If the Devil had his way with Charles, He would have died this spring. Has a pace maker and Defibrillator in His Chest to try, keeping Charles alive. At lunch a few weeks ago, God told me to put my hand on Charles's back. He instantly jumped in his seat and said it was like a fireball going through his chest. Before it was all over God healed Charles's spiritual Heart also. Soon after the lunch, Charles went to see his Doctor. His Doctor confirmed that Charles had a physical Heart that was totally restored.
God is an Awesome God.
Zhenya's Father in the Ukraine was in Hospital with various serious issues. With intersessory prayer, Days later walked out totally restored.
Conrad, A Man after God, had sarcom to a broken spiritual Heart till God gave us the opportunity to pray with Him and see hi spiritual heart restored also.
See a broken heart is like a heart of Velcro. Infirmities and addictive things stick to it and weigh you down. A healed Heart is like a heart of Teflon where nothing can stick. Then we have a heart to guard. Jesus, Thank You for the price you paid so we can be free...
Was praying with a Pastor that had a Broken Heart from all abuse of ministry. When Praying for God to heal His Heart, Watched the colour restored to His face and seen God fill him with the Joy of the Holy Spirit.
Even sat up taller.
So Awesome to see God restore His people right before our eyes.