Where do we go from here?When We asked Jesus into our heart, we became the property of Almighty God. He is also a Perfect gentleman and gives us our own free will to choose what we want whether it is healthy for us or not. Life happens and fear, bitterness and unforgiveness Get our focus off God and we become uneffective in our walk with God.
Recent News Part of my daily prayer time... Applying the Blood of Christ.
6 January 2010 at 02:00 Lord Jesus, I thank you for what you have done for me. When you were at Gethsemane (Luke 22:44) And toiling and praying about Gods will to be done you sweet blood there. And that blood you shed is to pay for my will so I may have the will of Jesus working in my life. Then when they whipped and beat Jesus as your word says here in Isaiah 53:5 “And by his wounds we are healed.” That means we are healed of everything that can or might come against my body and how God has designed it to function. Healed of all Bugs (Cold & flu), all Viruses, Plagues, Illnesses, Accidents, Injuries and Infirmities. Mental illnesses and imbalances. All Cancers. Everything that may come against my body. (You may add anything that is causing you problems here) Again I thank you Jesus that by your stripes I am healed. (Matthew 27:29) And then they twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on your head Causing your head to bleed. This blood Washes my mind clean of all thoughts and attitudes intentions and desires that would want to war against your will for my life, so I can have the mind of Jesus. To be able to think the way Jesus thinks. When they nailed his (Jesus) Hands to the cross causing His hands to bleed. This washes my hands clean so my hands will no longer do wrong things but do things that are righteous. Rev 22:2. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. Your feet were also nailed to the cross and bled to wash my feet clean so you can direct my steps Lord. My feet will take me where you want me to go. Your word says the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord. And your side was pierced and bled also for me. (Jn 19:34. one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water). To wash away the many sins I have committed and will ever commit. Your blood also gives me Liberty to come to you and pray at any place and any time just like right here and now and you will hear me, and to heal the broken Heart (Psalms147:3). With my heart being healed leaves no place for addictions to remain in me, so Lord Purge this body of mine of any and all Additions, Thank you Jesus for your healing and deliverance . And now with the power and authority I have in Jesus name, I come against All the spirits of mammon. Spirits of poverty, debt, lack, lust and greed and the spirits of the love of money. I curse All you lying filthy evil spirits in Jesus name breaking any and all assignments you may have against me and bind you all and cast all you evil spirits down into the pit of Hell. I again thank you Jesus for all you have done and are doing for me and for giving me the victory over sin and death in Jesus name Amen. |
A Matter of The Heart
We have also found that With infirmities in our bodies most, if not all have a spiritual root to them and it all eventually comes back to the Heart. |